Playstation 5 frenzy is here, as retailers fall all over themselves claiming to have the popular game consoles available for Black Friday. A recent Walmart mailer contained a full-page ad that included the Xbox Series X and the PS5, saying they could be available online starting Nov. 22 while supplies last. The whole thing has a whiff of TV doorbusters of years past—limited inventory of a red hot sale item, all designed to get your attention
Stock has been unsteady for the past year on gaming consoles like the PS5, with a major computer chip shortage and supply-chain issues. It can be hard feeling like you’re going to disappoint a loved one during the holidays, so here are a few tips that might help you snag the coveted console.
Sign up for Twitter alerts
Set up push notifications for the Twitter accounts @PS5StockAlerts, @mattswider and @Wario64 to get pinged when stock replenishes.”Make sure you go into your phone settings and ensure that these alerts are happening in real time and sending proper notifications. An alert two minutes late is coming about 30 seconds after stock has sold out,” said Wirecutter computing editor Arthur Gies.
Set up accounts with all major retailers
That includes Best Buy’s TotalTech program, if money is no object (the program costs $200 a year). Walmart says the console will be available to its Walmart+ members first. If it’s worth it to you to pay the $98-per-year (or $13 per month) premium on the off chance you’ll be one of the lucky few, set up your account ASAP. GameStop also promises early access for PowerUp Rewards Pro members ($15 a year). You can also register on PlayStation’s site. Note that none of these programs guarantee you’ll get a console—they just push you closer to the front of the line. If you already have an account, make sure your billing and shipping info are up to date.
Look to alternative retailers too
Costco gets gaming systems fairly regularly, and some unlikely stores have had stock, like Verizon. If a company has sold electronics, it would be worth checking to see if they've ever sold the PS5, or have it in their system. Do the same sign-up/alert process as you did with the other retailers we mention. And don’t forget about local electronics chains in different markets. Stores like B&H in New York City or the 25-store chain Micro Center may have units available .
Refresh, refresh, refresh
Log in to any sites you would potentially purchase from and refresh them a couple of times a day on all the devices you might use—phones, tablets, PCs. “You don't want to have to go to the other side of your apartment or wake your laptop to try to purchase,” said Arthur. Note that retailer apps can sometimes be more reliable than the related websites. You're looking to maximize points of contact with as many retail options as possible.
Use speedy payment options
Manually entering payment info at checkout can add up to 45 seconds of time. That can be the difference between getting a console and not, said Arthur. “I prefer to check out with virtual wallets,” said Wirecutter deals editor Nathan Burrow. “For both speed and security, it’s better for most people.”
Reset your expectations
Angling for a PS5 console is about playing the long game, tracking retailer announcements and leads on Twitter and other forums, and being in the right place at the right time hovering over a buy button. There could even be local availability, as Wirecutter staffers have found consoles at their local Costco for in-store purchase only. Be prepared to miss out on the console multiple times before you ultimately get one—patience and resilience are key if you want to be one of the lucky ones to get the sought-after console this holiday season.
from Wirecutter: Reviews for the Real World https://ift.tt/3Fwa3F7